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Products from South Tyrol stand for quality

The idea of sustainable and healthy cooking

“Using products from South Tyrol is a question of sustainability and taste for me,” says head chef Elmar Wild. “As only those who use regional products can guarantee quality and conjure up authentic creations with a good conscience. We mainly buy products from South Tyrol and in doing so prefer products from trusted suppliers. The shorter the transport route the fresher the dish and the more intensive the taste – this not only benefits the environment but also the intensity of flavour and therefore our guests.”

Anyone committed to the sustainable and considerate use of resources, is investing in the future. “Our country offers us such a colourful variety of products that it is not necessary to purchase goods from abroad, with very few exceptions. Products from South Tyrol stand for first-class quality and therefore for authentic indulgence. We are delighted to be able to familiarise our hotel and restaurant guests with South Tyrol in this very special way.

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